In May of 2014, I saw a neat kickstarter on Indigogo on a 3D Printer and thought that I always wanted a 3D Printer so why not!
Click the image below to see the Original Indigogo Campaign.
For $149 I was an Early Bird adopter of this device! I couldn't believe it but with lots of Kickstarters, it had a lot of challenges to take on to make this a reality! There were delays and some setbacks but all along they kept working at it. They introduced us to everyone that they hired, and gave us tech updates on the printer as well.
So after 1.5 years and 59 Updates they delivered to me today, the MOD-t 3D printer and I will take you through the un-boxing and setup of this fantastic device!
If you want to know more about New Matter, click the image below!
First of all, my wife didn't think this was going to happen, I have backed a bunch of kickstarters and they failed to deliver or it took so long that we cancelled. I was so happy that this finally arrived! It really came down to all the updates and details they were sending me that made me know that this was going to happen!
So when I got home this is what I saw on my doorstep, and I did a HAPPY DANCE!!
I brought it inside and the printer was inside another cardboard box, so I pulled out the printer in its own, nicely made box.
When you opened the front, the box opened like a drawbridge on a castle and a welcome card was taped with the instructions on unpacking it.You just slid the unit right out of the box! So easy!
I went to work on unpacking the box and I was very impressed by the shipping protection they engineered to make sure the printer came safely and with no damage. Well done!!
The 3 boxes that protected the printer were also accessory holders, the filament, power and other items. Very smart design! I was so impressed!!
The other half of the power supply, a USB printer cable and wire brush, scraper and wire cutters.
This picture was of the filament spool holder and the power supply.
You headed to their webpage and downloaded the install files and it installed the printer software pretty quickly.
The software asked you to plug in the power and USB cables and then it installed the firmware!
After the software installation there was a onscreen wizard that took you through the steps to put the final pieces together. First the tray...
Then the filament, (a 0.5 Kilogram amount) which had a nice little holder to allow it to spin on the back freely. We chose Pink as our color to start with!
After loading the filament it did a quick test and this is what it made!
Then it gave me the option to do a test print job.
It took about 35 minutes to print the New Matter Logo out but its quality was very nice.
With the glass case on the printer it is very quiet and it looks amazing just sitting there!
We printed another quick print of a Jack-O-Lantern Pin and that turned out awesome.
From Start to finish it took about 2 hours to unbox and finish these two print jobs! Not bad for a $149!!
Right now the printer is working on a puzzle cube that looks like this,,,

I will have more on this printer and the projects that I will be doing in future blogs! So stay tuned!!!