No Seriously though, it has been crazy busy!
First we did some Geocaching on 12/15/2012 at Chestnut Ridge Park! We found 8 and we mostly in the southern part of the park. It was a little chilly but nice out and we got around a lot with Mark Vincett our Troop leader of Pack #468. I am officially trained as a Boy Scout Leader and I am so happy!

I took Emma and Nick the the Planetarium for a Buffalo Astronomical Association Meeting and Christmas Party!
We also did some wall climbing!
We made over 600 Pirogi's!
Sledding and Geocaching late in the Month at Como Park!
And caught the last Bills game of the season!
Thats December and 2012 is done!
What about 2013?
Well I got a new office!
I travelled to NYC for the Inman Connect Conference and that was awesome! I stayed at the Grand Hyatt near West 42nd which was right next to Grand Central Station! I saw many sights and the conference was awesome!
My Favorite Slide from the presentation first day!
With so much happening around us with technology, its impossible not to be going 500mph! So just slow down! No one can know everything and do everything, all the time! So pick things you are good at and be an expert!
Got to meet Marty Biron while in NYC and go out for a beer!
Did some geocaching with Mike in Central Park!
Was invited to the Black Tie Gala for our Board President!
I had a lovely date! :)
and caught a Sabres game when I got back now that the NHL is back on!
February is already looking great! Look for another update soon!