Our Scout Troop signed up for a Battle Reenactment at Fort George in Niagara on the Lake.
We had a total of 14 (Scouts and Parents/Siblings) and we represented the US Army 6th Regiment.
These first photos are our campsite setup on Friday night. It was 80 degrees when we left, and it started to rain at around 1:00 a.m. and didn't stop until 8:00 p.m. Saturday night.
The main Battalion was setup in the center of camp and we met as a militia and we were assigned to a company, Company K!
Here is Nick signing his allegiance to the US Army.
As I said before, it rained all night and continued throughout the day which made everyone soggy!!
But we still formed up in our Battalions and marched to the Fort. It was a sight to see!
This is my panoramic shot of the center of the Fort and all the companies from both British and USA!
Inside the fort buildings were many neat exhibits and areas that showed all sorts of ways the early citizens in the US lived.
This was the Tunnel that led to the Guard house. It was cool and the only way to get to the guard house!
After we hiked back to our camp and then got ready for the Parade where the entire group marched into Niagara on the Lake and it was really cool to see.
After the parade the kids were released and could go about town to shop or just look at all the neat places in town. So myself and our ScoutMaster have a Geocaching obsession and we found a couple along the way!
Lots of yummy treats all over the place!!
As the day progressed on it rained heavier and got windier and colder! Yikes! Our tents got soaked through and many left in the late evening. We didn't however!! It was hilarious as we had to hold our tent poles in our large tent and even though we were worried a little we laughed and made the best of it.
Very windy and rainy night! |
This video made me smile as we were walking around camp we noticed many people had left but as we approached this tent we could hear singing and it was so peaceful and quiet after a long wet day it made me feel good and gave me strength to go one more day! |
These last few slides were the day of the battle and are great. I wish I could have captured more of the day but this is a small tribute to it.
This was a very awesome day!!! The folks that ran this event did an excellent job and I hope our troop does it again and again! |